Ram Gopal varma is renowned for openly expressing his sincere thoughts about the indian cinema business. The director was recently asked what he felt about the contemporary trend of mythical filmmaking in India. According to varma, making mythical films in this nation is "very dangerous" because of the possibility that they may insult people. While such films may have done well at the box office in the past, there is very little likelihood that they will do so now without any controversy.
When asked about his thoughts on the forthcoming Ramayana, which stars Yash, Sai Pallavi, and ranbir kapoor as Lord Rama, Sita, and Ravana, the director Ram Gopal said to Galtta Plus, "Making films based on mythological stories is very risky." There are two reasons for this: first, if you attempt to alter a well-known story, it may have the opposite impact. This is not something you can try in our nation since people worship them.
"I think it could have worked in the past when Babubhai Mistry made all the mythological films of NT Rama Rao and Sampurana Ramayana," he continued. However, they are now regarded with veneration. Perhaps there wasn't as much division or continual interpretation-challenging on social media."