The fantasy television show that Asim Abbasi created and was hosted by Zindagi became quite popular with viewers in pakistan and India. ZEE5 offers Barzakh for overseas viewers to stream as well. The series finale is getting closer with episodes airing every tuesday and Friday. The series finale will air on our tiny screens on august 6. While the play was well-received, it also data-faced criticism from religious fanatics and homophobes.
The fans can't wait for the finals after watching the semi-final broadcast on august 2. A captivating impact has been produced by Mo Azmi's photography, a mystery plot, and a stellar cast that includes Fawad Khan, Sanam Saeed, M Fawad Khan, Sajid Hassan, and Uzma Beg. Fans are still curious about the mysteries that may be revealed. There is a strange blending of the past and present. The program explores several paths where many domains come into contact. Real-life challenges mixed with supernatural appeal make for an engrossing story.
The Land Of Nowhere is travelling towards the end of the earth as the endgame draws near. Is Aaqa going to meet his maker and become one with the kingdom of fairies? Or will the locals prevent him from wreaking havoc? Interestingly, a lot of things remain unexplained even after the show's conclusion, leading some internet users to speculate that a second season is absolutely necessary. Given how well-liked the program has grown among viewers, a sequel from the creators is inevitable! Seeing what transpires in the epilogue will be intriguing.