The army commander who became a traitor..!?
Indian officials reportedly warned former bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina of the dangers associated with the appointment of General Waqar-uz-Zaman as bangladesh army chief in june last year. But defying the warning, Hasina appointed Waqar as the army chief. Observers of Bangladeshi politics believe that this decision is the cause of his political downfall. army chief Waqar Thane, who announced Sheikh Hasina's resignation on Monday, said he would accept full responsibility and support the re-establishment of an interim government.
Educated at the bangladesh Military Academy, General Waqar-uz-Zaman later continued his studies at the Defense services College, Mirpur, and in Britain. He holds degrees in Defense Studies from both bangladesh National university and King's College, university of London. He was prime minister Sheikh Hasina's trusted principal officer in the armed forces. General Waqar Waqar-uz-Zaman was instrumental in shaping national security strategies and international peacekeeping efforts. He was honored for his contribution to the modernization of the bangladesh Army.