H-1B Rejected? Get this 90% Approval Visa!
The H-1B visa cap has harmed national interests and depleted American resources. There are actual ramifications to the flawed immigration system. A growing number of foreign graduates who were not selected for the H-1B lottery are coming to Canada. An option might exist: for the previous five years, the O-1A visa, sometimes referred to as the "Einstein visa," has had acceptance rates above 90%. Even though it's competitive, many exceptional foreign workers can achieve it.
For individuals who want to pursue their business goals, the O-1A visa is more appealing because it has less restrictions and no yearly cap than the H-1B. The USCIS has encouraged eligible persons to apply throughout President Biden's administration. It is imperative that educational institutions, corporations, and immigration attorneys promote the O-1 visa and assist prospective candidates. Hiring managers and HR departments should inform themselves about available visas and urge qualified candidates to think about the O-1.