For a hero to end his 50-year reign in tollywood in such an extraordinary way is wonderful. After making his acting debut in the movie "Tathamma Kala," Nandamuri balakrishna is approaching his 50th year in the business. balayya is directing his 108th picture for Bobby. Balakrishna's golden jubilee is being celebrated by the telugu cinema industry on this auspicious occasion of his 50th birthday. On Wednesday, FNCC hosted a curtain raiser presentation to announce the specifics of the ceremony scheduled for september 1. Several celebrities were present at the ceremony where Nandamuri ramakrishna and Nandamuri Mohanakrishna unveiled the poster for the Golden Jubilee festivities.
"It is really a great thing that my younger brother balakrishna has completed 50 years as an actor," stated Nandamuri Mohanakrishna. He has demonstrated that he is a versatile actor. As our father's heir apparent in the industry, balakrishna carried on the tradition. In addition to performing, balakrishna is his father's heir in politics. He completed a hat trick and won the most recent election. hindupuram is unquestionably the home of the Nandamuris.
"Even after completing 50 years as an actor, balakrishna continues to compete with young heroes," producer Tammareddy Bharadwaja stated. balakrishna is the only actor in indian cinema history to have played for as long as amitabh Bachchan. Since starting school, balayya has continued to walk like an ordinary guy. He is really straightforward. He purchased and carried a tray filled with water bottles the last time the two of us visited Goa. How uncomplicated he is. What a producer's guy balayya is. My favourite actor is him. I'm thrilled to have reached my 50th year. Everyone should attend, he continued, in order to make this program a huge success.