After years of hardship in Bollywood, janhvi kapoor is now receiving her just desserts. Janhvi, who has acted in several low-budget films, is about to embark on her first big-budget tollywood production. The stunning beauty will make her big screen debut with none other than junior ntr, the tollywood superstar. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Janhvi's first telugu film will be the pan-Indian production "Devara." However, with the incredible success of NTR's most recent film, "RRR," it will also be released in hindi and other languages. The creators are doing everything they can to make it a smash, with ntr and Janhvi in leading roles. A few BTS stills from the film have just gone viral, and fans are giddy with anticipation for the film's premiere. It is alleged that the video comes from a musical sequence. Janhvi looks amazing with a strapless white blouse while wearing a white dhoti saree. Her audacious photos and videos are currently becoming uncontrollably popular. Janhvi paired her strapless top with oxidized earrings, bangles, rings, a waist chain, and a black bindi to complete the look. Janhvi is seen dancing with ntr in a different video while wearing a brown top with her blue cotton saree. Fans are being reminded of renowned actress sridevi and her late mother by her appearance.