Lucky Actor Escapes from Indian 2 Trolls and Memes

After the Netflix launch of kamal haasan and Shankar's indian 2, social media is overflowing with vicious criticism. While bad movies are frequently criticized, indian 2 has seen extremely severe trolling, with jokes and memes flooding YouTube, Instagram, and X. The film is being criticized for its terrible direction, absurd action scenes, senseless scenes, subpar acting, and terrible background music. However, siddharth is the one dealing with the worse soundtrack.

A few weeks ago, siddharth caused annoyance to many when he promoted indian 2 in tamil and Telugu. His haughtiness did not sit well with anyone. Even a well-known hero would not have behaved in the same manner as siddharth, who has had very little success. His act has since become the target of offensive memes and criticism on social media, with many calling it obscene and disgusting.
Actor siva karthikeyan must be relieved amid this wrath. The position was initially offered to him. siddharth was signed after he refused it. Siva Karthikeyan's choice to withdraw from indian 2 has turned out to be a fortuitous one because he was unable to accommodate the filming dates into his calendar. If siva karthikeyan had accepted the part, he probably would have encountered a lot of teasing and perhaps career losses as he sought to make a name for himself in tamil film. Fortunately, he avoided the disaster known as indian 2.


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