AVOID COMING TO INDIA AT ALL COSTS says Famous Travel Influencer

Travel influencer tanya Khanijow, an Indian, defended her "avoid India" advice, which was issued in the aftermath of the shocking murder and rape case in Kolkata. A post on the social networking site X was made by Khanijow, who asked foreign ladies to “avoid coming to india at all costs.”

The travel blogger persisted in her remarks despite facing the anticipated criticism and accusations of being anti-national. “Safety standards for women in india are horrible. My sincere request to all my women friends abroad. Please don’t travel here unless our dear leadership seriously creates a safer environment for women. Please avoid coming to india at all costs!” Khanijow posted on X. Her statement sparked outrage from a section of the internet that accused her of catering to Western audiences, defaming her country, and similar allegations.
A number of social media users asserted that the shocking occurrence in kolkata was an isolated incidence and that women's safety is not a national concern.
“You should be ashamed of yourself calling an Indian. The incident happened in one of the most peaceful states in india where a woman is a chief minister and she is the torch-bearer of democracy and you start abusing the whole of india for being unsafe for women!” wrote X user Shantiswarup.
Khanijow responded by defending her original stance. “Because it is, and unless we acknowledge it, I don’t think things can change. I’ve dealt with assaults myself in almost all parts of India. It is our society at large that is failing women. And unless we call for strict actions, I don’t think we can feel safe,” she said.

She reiterated this point again and again, responding to the trolling without losing her composure.
“It is not just one incident. Speak to any woman and I bet, there’s not one woman who hasn’t experienced some form of assault or another. Myself included. NOT A SINGLE woman who hasn’t experienced some form of assault. Safety standards are very poor and it’s an india problem,” the travel content creator claimed.


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