The gift of sacrifice and bravery is our freedom..!!

Sowmiya Sriram
The gift of sacrifice and bravery is our freedom..!!
Nostalgic minds understood the impact of slavery. Hearts that longed became hearts that held feelings of freedom. We indians are celebrating our 78th Independence Day with pride today. india was freed from british rule on august 15, 1947. Thanks to the sacrifice and bravery of many freedom fighters, our countrymen who were slaves started breathing the air of freedom. This day reminds every citizen of india about the new beginning of an era freed from the clutches of british colonialism for more than 200 years. prime minister Narendra Modi today hoisted the tricolor for the 11th consecutive time at the historic red Fort in Delhi. Independence Day celebrations are being celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country. We all feel proud to be the citizens of india, the pioneer country of the world. We are emerging as a world power today. Many countries of the world are learning from us. We are helping many countries in many ways. We are making many achievements to the amazement of the world.
Our india becomes a holy land, a guide, and a teacher within the bar. We are pioneering in many fields. Every day is a festival in our country. india shines like a beautiful painting of many languages, religions, cuisines, customs, and cultures. There is no better example of unity in diversity than our country. Today we live in freedom. However, this situation did not come easily. Many people have sacrificed their lives, family, and life for this. We who fly to the sky today were once enslaved by aliens. She was in dire need of permission to talk, walk, and laugh. The struggle for freedom was long and intense. The patriotism, vida effort, tolerance, and sacrifice of many freedom fighters are the foundation of this freedom we enjoy. Many devoted their entire lives to the freedom struggle. The highlight is that they don't care at all about it. The only thought was that somehow my country should be freed. There are many stories here of families waiting for the return of sons, fathers, and husbands who left home for the freedom struggle. The contribution of women in the liberation struggle was also unimaginable.
At first, there was a danger that slavery would become the norm. But, little by little the desire for freedom started in the minds of the people. The people could not tolerate the politics of the british who came to the country to do business. But the british had both the armed forces and the manpower. The soldiers who fought for India's freedom had only the desire for freedom and patriotism. With these as their motivation, they fought with inspiration. Some hands started asking for help. Nostalgic minds understood the impact of slavery. Hearts that longed became hearts that held feelings of freedom. Finally, india became free as a result of many sacrifices. Today we read the history of freedom struggle as a story. Our mind gets excited while reading. But, our countrymen have lived this life. If we think about it, we will understand how we should maintain the freedom that we have fought for.
Freedom is not just a word, it is intertwined in our lives, feeling, and life. Today's generations should keep our independence history in mind, be proud of the progress our country is making day by day, and work for the progress of the country with patriotism. Let's be proud to be Indians! Let's celebrate freedom!!

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