Double iSmart - A Big Production House Falls Apart

An inside source claims that Primeshow, the company that purchased the worldwide distribution rights for the movie "Double iSmart," will likely lose close to Rs 40 crore. The owner of the firm is believed to have been advised by numerous well-wishers not to invest such a large sum of money in the movie, but he chose to go anyway and ultimately incurred a considerable loss.
They advised him against betting on puri Jagannath because of its unpredictability, especially at such a large cost. He claimed to have seen one and a half hours of the film and to have much enjoyed it, but he nonetheless made the decision to invest a total of Rs 49 Cr.
The most notable aspect is that Primeshow paid an advance of Rs 9 crore at first. Even though there was little interest from the public when reservations started on august 13, Primeshow remained upbeat and on august 14 paid the remaining Rs 40 Cr for the rights.
The corporation might potentially lose an incredible Rs 40 crore as a result. Basically, this endeavor has cost the money that was made from "HanuMan" earlier this year.
Industry insiders claim that by august 2024, Primeshow had lost all of the money it had made with "HanuMan" in january 2024. Therefore, the profit and loss for the same year are shown on this banner.
Rumor has it that puri Jagannath is being asked to make up for the loss in some way by the owner of Primeshow. Despite not being required by law, puri is anticipated because of their connection.
It appears that a piece of land or other real estate is anticipated as payment. puri Jagannath, however, is said to have proposed that they choose a hero and that he would produce a movie for them.
The key issue remains, though: which hero will step forward? Even if someone did, it wouldn't necessarily offer a remedy and would simply exacerbate Primeshow's financial issues.

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