Alert regarding monkeypox! Delhi AIIMS issued guidelines

Alert regarding monkeypox! delhi AIIMS issued guidelines…

India is on alert mode regarding monkeypox. Meanwhile, delhi AIIMS has taken a big decision to prevent monkeypox. AIIMS has issued SOP for the management of suspected monkeypox patients. Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis, whose symptoms are similar to those seen in smallpox patients, although its symptoms are less severe. The World health Organization (WHO) has declared the monkeypox outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern, which requires high levels of awareness, prompt identification and infection control measures to prevent its spread. The Ministry of health in india is constantly on alert regarding monkeypox. The Ministry of health has held a meeting with all the states. Although there is not a single case of monkeypox in india yet, despite this the central government is also on alert regarding monkeypox. This SOP lays down the steps to handle monkeypox cases in AIIMS Emergency Department-

Screening in Triage Area

Patients with fever, rash or contact with infected monkeypox cases should be marked for immediate evaluation. Identify the key symptoms. Fever, headache, muscle pain, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills, fatigue and characteristic skin lesions (maculopapular rash that may develop into vesicles and pustules).

Isolation or Holding Area

AIIMS has recommended keeping suspected patients in an isolation area to minimise exposure to other patients and staff. AB-7 beds number 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 have been marked for isolating monkeypox patients. These beds will be allocated and treated for monkeypox patients on the recommendation of the Emergency CMO. AB-7 will remain a temporary holding room until the patient is transferred to the hospital for designated care.

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