Top space agencies in the world, India is at...

The space agencies of the globe are always pushing the envelope of space exploration and finding new things in space. Of all the nations on Earth, there are 195, yet only 77 of them have space agencies. Furthermore, only 13 nations are capable of launching. Let's examine the top 5 space agencies in the globe.
1. nasa - United States

Having been founded in 1958, nasa (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is well-known for its innovative space exploration missions. nasa has always been at the forefront of space exploration, scientific study, and technological developments, from the historic Apollo moon landings to the Mars rover missions. nasa continues to push the limits of space exploration and excite people all around the world with its ground-breaking discoveries, with an emphasis on both crewed and robotic missions. On the list, this American space agency comes in first.
2. Roscosmos - Russia

The Russian Federal Space Agency, or Roscosmos, has a long history of space exploration that dates back to the Soviet Union. Roscosmos is a key player in the advancement of space technology and scientific research as it launches crewed trips to space stations like the international Space Station (ISS) and completes ambitious space projects. Cooperation with foreign partners has been a defining feature of Roscosmos' space exploration activities. The Russian space agency comes in at number two.
3. ESA - Europe

The 22 member nations that make up the european Space Agency (ESA) are an intergovernmental organization devoted to space exploration, scientific research, and international cooperation in space missions. Europe's space exploration and technological growth are greatly aided by ESA, which does everything from satellite launches to advanced space scientific research and planet discovery. It ranks as the world's third most popular space agency.
4. CNSA - China

The china National Space Administration (CNSA) has advanced space exploration significantly in the last several years. CNSA has shown a dedication to expanding its space program with crewed space missions, lunar exploration, and the construction of its space station. CNSA is a major actor in the international space community and has big ambitions for future missions, including a mission to explore Mars. This space agency from china is ranked number four on the list.
5. isro - India

In this ranking, the indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is ranked fifth. Its outstanding achievements and cost-effective space missions have earned it praise on a global scale. India's prowess in space technology and exploration has been demonstrated by isro, which has launched satellites for communication and remote sensing, as well as the successful Mars Orbiter Mission and Chandrayaan missions to the Moon. isro is still making major contributions to space science, and it has plans for further missions to investigate Mars and beyond.

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