This special force is the most powerful in the world!!!

Kokila Chokkanathan

This special force is the most powerful in the world!!!

The responsibility of the security of any country lies in the hands of the security agencies. But the responsibility of protecting any country from external enemies lies with the security agencies of that country. Who keep an eye on every small and big incident and enemies. At the same time, the country's special forces kill the enemies in the blink of an eye.

Special Forces

The special forces of any country have the responsibility of all major operations. At the same time, Britain's SAS is considered to be at the top in this case. It is the oldest and best elite group in the world. This Special air Service was formed in 1941 during the Second World War. This force is known all over the world for its bravery and operations. The training of this force is very difficult. Not only this, this force is also known for training the US Navy SEALs and other elite groups in the United States.


After this, America's most deadly and dangerous commando force is considered to be Navy SEAL. According to the information, the SEAL team is trained more in water than on land, as they are perfect to become a marine special group. It was formed in 1962 to deal with attacks from water bodies like river, ocean and swamp. Their training is also considered to be the most dangerous in the world. It is said that 95 out of 100 soldiers are rejected even before joining the Navy SEAL. This Seal Team-6 is also known for killing Osama bin laden in Afghanistan.

US Delta

The name of the USA's Delta Force also comes in the top 5. The First Special Force Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D) is mainly world famous by the name of Delta. This commando force is known for the world's most dangerous and fast action operation. It ranks at the top among the US intelligence forces. Let us tell you that Delta Force is different from the US Navy SEALs because its selection process and training are different. Let us tell you that during september 11, 2001, Delta Force was used to eliminate the Taliban in Afghanistan.

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