Telegram ban in India..!? The latest information released..!!

Sowmiya Sriram
Telegram ban in India..!? The latest information released..!!
It is now reported that the indian government is investigating whether the Telegram app is being used for nefarious activities like extortion and gambling. Depending on the information that comes out in the investigation, the Telegram app may even be banned in India. The investigation is being conducted by a special team called the Cyber Crime Coordination Center of India, a part of the Union home and technology Department. The investigation began after the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, was arrested in paris on august 24. Some celebrities like Elon Musk and Edward Snowden have protested the arrest.
As of now, there is no information on this and final decisions will be taken after an intensive investigation. Telegram is operating under the rules of the government of India. The key officials in this organization have to submit a formal report to the government every month. Pavel Durov, 39, helped launch VKontakte, Russia's most popular social media site, in 2007. He has been compared to data-facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Durov said that in 2014 the Russian government pressured ukraine to provide information on people seeking more freedom. Durov sold his stake in the social media site VKontakte and left russia as the government clamped down on what people could do online. After that, at the age of 28, he teamed up with his brother Nikolai to create a new app called Telegram.
Durov, who lives in Dubai, is a citizen of both the United Arab Emirates and France. There is no word on whether he has renounced his Russian citizenship. According to Forbes, his net worth is estimated at $15.5 billion. Durov wants Telegram to be a personal, trusted app that people can use. However, some technologists allege that this will pave the way for nefarious activities, terrorist activities, and black markets to grow through it. Durov was reportedly arrested for allegedly failing to monitor the nefarious activities taking place on the Telegram app. Crimes such as defrauding people, selling drugs, bullying others online, and aiding and abetting serious crimes are said to take place through Telegram. In the past, countries like the european union and the united states have imposed fines on social media account companies that do not follow the rules. They have questioned the leaders of these companies, but not actually arrested them. In 2016, a high-ranking data-facebook employee was arrested in brazil after data-facebook allegedly withheld information needed for a drug investigation.

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