GenZ Wants to See Less SéX On-Screen

Of the 1,500 participants, 51% said they would want to see more information about friendships and platonic relationships. In the meantime, 44% of respondents said romance was "overused," and 47.5% thought intimacy "isn't needed" in the majority of tv series and films. Remarkably, 44% of respondents said they "would rather clean the toilet" as opposed to going on a virtual date.

Another unexpected conclusion was that, like older viewers, 56% of respondents said they favored original tales over franchises, adaptations, and remakes. Other observations are as follows: — A significant distaste for racial stereotypes on television, with unfavorable depictions of people of color being especially despised. — social media is perceived by Generation Z as "authentic media," and TikTok is thought to be the most sincere platform despite its problems with false content. "Hopeful, uplifting content with people beating the odds" and "people with lives like my own" are two of their favorite narrative themes.
Rates of intimate activity have been falling for years, with Gen Z experiencing the biggest decline. They are experiencing intimacy less frequently and with fewer partners, particularly young males, according to Psychology Today. This research was conducted after the oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence's comedy No Hard Feelings debuted on Netflix and generated discussion on social media over whether or not the nude scene was necessary.

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