The malayalam actor Nivin Pauly has addressed claims of sexual harassment made against him in public. Nivin vehemently denied the allegations on Instagram, calling them untrue and unfounded. He emphadata-sized in his statement that he was determined to prove his innocence and that he would take all necessary legal action against the people making the charges.
“I have come across a false news report accusing me of abusing a girl. Please know that this is entirely untrue. I’m determined to go to any extent to prove these allegations are baseless and will take all necessary steps to bring those responsible to light. Thank you for your concern. The rest will be handled legally,” Nivin wrote.
According to reports, a complaint alleging sexual assault of a lady has been brought against Nivin and five other people, including malayalam producer AK Sunil. The lady alleges that she was approached about a movie part as a cover for the attack. Reporter Live, a malayalam station, has reported that the event happened in november of last year in Dubai. The Special Investigation Team (SIT), established by the government to investigate these fresh accusations, will get the case from the Oonnukal police, who have registered it.