Can Bangladesh really make a nuclear bomb?

Kokila Chokkanathan

Can bangladesh really make a nuclear bomb? 

After the coup, Bangladesh's tone for india has started changing. After the fall of Sheikh Hasina's government in bangladesh, anti-India statements have increased continuously. Now such forces are rising in bangladesh, which speak in favor of Pakistan. Yes, the biggest example of this is the statement of professor Shahiduzzaman of Dhaka university, in which he has talked about nuclear weapons. Today we will tell you how a country can make nuclear weapons and what the rules are for it.


The situation of India's neighboring country bangladesh is still not very good. Apart from the internal situation of bangladesh, international relations with other countries including india are also deteriorating. Because after Sheikh Hasina's resignation and leaving the country, the situation in bangladesh now seems to be going against India.

What did the professor of Dhaka university say?

professor Shahiduzzaman of Dhaka university, while addressing military officials recently, has described india as a big threat. He said that pakistan is a reliable and trustworthy security partner of Bangladesh. professor Shahiduzzaman keeps giving statements in favour of Jamaat-e-Islami. He also said that to change India's habitual perception, the right answer would be for us to become nuclear capable. Being nuclear capable does not mean that we should become a nuclear power. By nuclear capable I mean that we should enter into a nuclear treaty with our former rival Pakistan.

Treaty on nuclear testing

Let us tell you that on august 5, 1963, the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed in moscow by US Secretary of State Dean Rusk (1909-94), Soviet Foreign minister Andrei Gromyko (1909-89) and british Foreign Secretary Alec Douglas-Home (1903-95). Although france and china were asked to join the agreement, they refused. Apart from this, there are many countries which have not signed this treaty.

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