HITLER Tamil Movie Review - A Half Baked Political Thriller

After traveling to Chennai, Selva (Vijay Antony) unexpectedly falls in love with Sarah (Riya Suman), who is living with her aunt. In the meantime, gautham Menon's character, Deputy Commissioner Sakthi, is searching for someone who has murdered a number of criminals and embezzled money from influential officials. The rest of the article focuses on who is responsible and how dishonest politicians are involved.

Hitler's portrayal as a political thriller begins when the next chief ministerial candidate declares he will do whatever it takes to win the job, even if it means spending billions of dollars to buy it, rather than claiming he would get support from the electorate. And when these strong authorities' money is pilfered, Hitler turns into a movie to find out who is responsible for all of this. In the beginning, we also see a group of ladies trying to cross a flooded route in Theni and get stuck due to a shortage of bridges. Naturally, they sink and pass away.

The answer to the question of how these circumstances—however terrible they may sound—relate to the title's allusion to a dictator is never provided, and the movie veers off course in an effort to live up to its political thriller subgenre. The way the female lead's character is developed is another issue I have with the movie. Despite her extroverted and forceful demeanor, the first significant detail about her that comes to light is that she was dismissed from her work, to which her manager offered consolation by remarking, "You are beautiful, you will get another job soon." She is rejected by another employer in the next montage, with the statement, "Just being fair and beautiful is not enough for you to get this job."

Despite the fact that both of her comments are contradicting and, more significantly, unneeded in this particular scenario, she says them out of dejection after losing her job and then drowning herself in alcohol: "I come from a good family, I don't drink much." The main flaw in the film is Hitler's decision to spend more time creating sequences that don't contribute anything to the plot and less time telling the real tale.

This political thriller never allows the viewer to feel a connection to the characters. A growing relationship, a determined police officer searching for the perpetrator, crooked politicians who can buy anything with their money, and an ominous mystery are all shown. When the interval disclosure occurs and further tie-ups occur, it becomes obvious. This leaves you with nothing to look forward to in a movie that otherwise has nothing left to offer.

Overall, Hitler is a bland political thriller that struggles to stay true to its genre

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