Revenge is Definite - Scary Iranian Animation depicts Assassination Attempt against Former US President Trump

A remotely controlled weapon, operated by Iranian hackers who broke into Mar-a-Lago's security system to let it onto the premises, appears as the 78-year-old trump sets up a shot. The robotic system then closes in on trump and Pompeo, targeting them in the manner of a "Minority Report" with red squares as the words "GUN: READY" and "LASER: READY" flash on the screen. The robotic system is described as featuring cameras and targeting lasers.

At that point, it shows an Iranian special operator texting someone in a far-off place, saying, "Soleimani's murderer and the one who gave the order will pay the price." The animation then cuts to an overhead shot of trump, who is shown sporting the well-known red "Make America Great Again" hat, while a shadow that seems like it belongs to a drone or bomber hangs over him.

After that, an animated Iranian special operator takes over the platform and hits a red button, giving the impression that he initiated an attack that killed Pompeo and trump before switching to a blank screen. According to the website, the unsettling film won the Ayatollah animation contest that year, which asked for entries "on the topic of revenge on trump [former Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo and the murderers of Gen. #Soleimani."

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