Super app of Indian Railways..!! Train ticket in 2 minutes..!?
You can book a reservation ticket in 2 minutes with the Super App launched by indian Railways, you can know all the details including the running status of the train. indian Railways, which has millions of commuters every day, is constantly making new updates to ease the difficulties of passengers. Thus, taking train tickets and making reservations is still a little difficult for people. Although many features have already been introduced for this purpose and the facility of getting early train tickets has been introduced, another app has also come into play. With this super app of indian Railways, you can book train tickets in 2 minutes. Passengers can also get all the information from the train's running status. The app is also expected to give irctc tough competition.
IRCTC currently dominates railway ticket booking. But once a super app arrives, that app will start facing tough competition. As Railway's super app comes with a multi-tasking feature, the IRCT app will gradually lose its user influence. So the app will be forced to update next time.