Marrying Own Cousins - Top 4 are Muslim Countries

Cousin marriages, though viewed differently across cultures, remain common in certain parts of the world, particularly due to cultural, religious, or historical reasons. The countries with the highest prevalence of cousin marriages are concentrated in the Middle East, South Asia, and parts of Africa. Consanguine marriages in pakistan are 73 percent and the country has the largest community of deaf children

Pakistan leads globally, with reports suggesting that around 50-60% of marriages are between first cousins. This practice is deeply rooted in cultural and family traditions, often seen as a way to maintain familial wealth and unity.
Saudi Arabia also has a high rate, with estimates ranging between 25-40%. In many gulf states, cousin marriages are encouraged to preserve tribal affiliations and strengthen family ties.
Iran has notable cousin marriage rates, often driven by cultural customs, though this has been declining due to modernization and awareness of genetic risks.
Sudan and iraq also have high percentages of cousin marriages, often due to tribal customs and the need to keep wealth within the family.
In these regions, cousin marriage is often seen as culturally acceptable or even encouraged, though it has sparked debates about potential genetic risks and social implications.

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