A new problem for the world... What is the silver tsunami?

Sowmiya Sriram
A new problem for the world... What is the silver tsunami?
Overpopulation was once a major problem for many countries around the world. At that time family planning operations were strongly encouraged by governments. At that time, comments were often heard that poverty would increase due to a growing population. But now the situation has completely changed. The world data-faces a silver tsunami problem. Yes... population growth will slow down worldwide. It is said that in many countries, young people are completely behind in getting married and having children. Due to this, the number of elderly people in the world will increase tremendously. In this way, Economists have named this development as "Silver Tsunami" where the number of young people is decreasing and the number of elderly people is increasing.
Currently, this silver tsunami problem is going to become big for the countries of the world. It is said that the number of elderly will increase significantly all over the world. According to 2022 United Nations statistics, there are approximately 77.1 crore people over 65 years of age in the world. That means their share of the total population of the world is about 10%! However, this number is going to increase further in the coming days... This increase is expected to be 16 percent by 2050 and 24 percent by 2100. Actually, already in countries like italy, japan, and finland, the number of people above 65 years is huge. As a part of this, it is said that their number is the highest in japan at around 30 percent. At the same time, 24 percent in italy and 23 percent in finland are said to be over 65 years of age. At present, it is said that their number is less than 2% in Asian and African countries. But it is expected that it will definitely increase in the future.
It is said that in the next 30 years in Asia, europe, and North America one out of every four people will be over 65 years of age. india, which is the most populous country in the world, has the most youth. With this, it should be said that india does not have this silver tsunami problem so far. However, experts warn that the problem data-faced by japan and europe is likely to be data-faced by 2050 due to the decrease in population growth rate.
It is estimated that the number of people above 60 years of age in india is about 10 crores. This number will reach 24 crores by 2050. In this order, it is estimated that the number will triple by 2100.

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