Hurricane Helen is wreaking havoc in South-Eastern America...

S Venkateshwari
Hurricane helen is wreaking havoc in South-Eastern America...

Hurricane helen has wreaked havoc in Rida and South-Eastern America. This powerful Category 4 hurricane has disrupted everything here. According to information, 49 people have died due to this hurricane so far. At the same time, many people are injured. Due to Hurricane helen, flood-like conditions have occurred in many areas. Due to this, thousands of people are trapped in flood waters. Rescue work is being done continuously in the areas devastated by the hurricane.

Hurricane helen first wreaked havoc in the Big Bend region of florida on thursday night with winds of 140 miles per hour. After this, it did the same in the surrounding states. Due to which power supply was disrupted on a large scale in these areas, and thousands of people had to be displaced from their homes.

These states are being affected the most

Hurricane helen is leaving behind a trail of destruction. The local administration is continuously engaged in rescue work. In Pinellas County, florida, Sheriff Bob Gualtieri has described the destruction caused by Hurricane helen as a "war zone". In southern georgia, the administration is engaged in removing debris and opening roads so that rescue work can be done quickly. Apart from this, record-breaking rain has been recorded in Atlanta, where 11.12 inches of rain has fallen in 48 hours.

54 people trapped on the roof of the hospital were rescued

Many areas have been flooded due to the storm. Due to this, flood water entered the Unicoi County Hospital in Tennessee, due to which 54 people were trapped on the roof ofthe hospital.But by friday afternoon, everyone was safely evacuated by the rescue team by helicopter. Hurricane helen has weakened and turned into a post-tropical cyclone, due to which it is raining continuously. Due to this, the possibility of dam breaking has increased significantly. If this happens, the scene will become even more horrific.

Government engaged in rescue work

The US government has rapidly started rescue work. The Defense Department said that about 4,000 National Guardsmen have been deployed in florida, while additional forces have been deployed in North Carolina, georgia and Alabama. Vice President Kamala harris announced that more than 1,500 federal personnel have been sent to assist in rescue efforts. According to information, 3.5 million people are currently without electricity.

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