How to Increase Séx Drive in Women?

An individual's urge for sexual closeness is referred to as libido or sex drive. A greater desire for sexual activities may be indicated by a heightened sex drive. A low-sex desire, on the other hand, would indicate the exact opposite. If they use ayurvedic medicines like Shilajit supplements, very few women are likely to have a consistently strong libido, while some may have reduced sex desire.

Both low and hypoactive (hyperactive) and high (hyperactive) libido have certain diagnostic criteria. But generally speaking, libido is only an issue if it becomes problematic for you or your spouse. It is quite okay if a couple decides on a frequency that works for them, such as once or twice a week or once or twice a month. Dissimilarities in interests may not always signify a disordered state.
Regarding sexuality, there isn't a single "normal." Whether we're talking about orientation or desire, what is normal differs from person to person and from relationship to relationship. Nobody should ever criticize or pass judgment on how frequently you engage in sexual activity.

In addition to differing from person to person, sexual desire also changes during a person's life due to a variety of circumstances. Libido is quite context-specific. It's quite natural to go through phases where you want to have sex several times a day, like the beginning of a new relationship or when you're on a romantic trip with your significant other.

What are Some Causes of Low Libido in Women?

Women who experience low libido or sexual desire may have a variety of causes. The following might be the most typical cause:
• Hormonal fluctuations;

• Diet; 

• Stress; 

• Little sleep; 

• Powerful drugs
Fortunately, there is good news: you can achieve a healthier sex desire. You could see notable changes through different lifestyle adjustments, healthy eating or diet, enough sleep, and effective stress management.

List of 14 Foods that Boost sex Drive in Women 

Tribulus Terrestris
Betel Nut
Asparagus racemosus (shatavari)

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