PM Netanyahu's warning- 'Nothing is beyond our reach'...

S Venkateshwari
PM Netanyahu's warning- 'Nothing is beyond our reach'...

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, perished in an Israeli airstrike. In a statement, Hezbollah acknowledged that its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, had passed away. Tensions between israel and Hezbollah have risen ever higher since. In the meantime, a missile was fired on saturday targeting many settlements close to Jerusalem, including Maale Adumim, from Lebanon. Hereafter, security alarms began to sound.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, made a major announcement.

The death of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah's terrorist organization, on Friday will reshape the Middle East's power structures, according to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement on Saturday. He forewarned iran that the Israeli army is ready to launch an attack anywhere in the region.

Following a rocket launch from Lebanon, the fire and Rescue service said that it had received information about a fire in an open area close to Male Michmash.

Stopfire demands made by US President Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden was recently questioned about the possibility of an Israeli ground offensive on Lebanon. In response to this query, he stated that a ceasefire is now necessary. Vice President Kamala harris and US President Joe Biden both addressed their national security teams at the same time. He seized this opportunity to get an update on the Middle East situation.In addition, he went over the state of US military presence in the area. He gave the order to communicate with partners and allies and to keep up efforts to lessen continuing hostilities.

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