Will Antarctica's glacier disappear in 200 years?

Sudha Subbiah

Will Antarctica's glacier disappear in 200 years? 

There are some things that protect humans from the heat of the sun. One of them is the glacier of Antarctica. It is considered very important for the earth, but recently a shocking revelation has been made in scientific studies. Let us tell you that a huge glacier of antarctica, known as 'Doomsday Glacier', will completely melt in the next 200 to 900 years. This glacier is also known as Thwaites Glacier and its data-size is equal to the state of Florida.

What is the reason for this?

The biggest reason for this is global warming. Glaciers are melting rapidly due to rising temperatures. Apart from this, warm sea water is melting the glacier from below. Also, due to changes in the structure of the glacier, it is breaking rapidly.

Why is it so dangerous?

The melting of the glacier of antarctica is very dangerous. If this glacier melts completely, then it can increase the global sea level by several meters. This means that the coastal areas of the world will submerge and millions of people will have to leave their homes. Also, the melting of the glacier will bring major changes in the earth's climate and ocean currents. This can increase uncertainty in the weather around the world. Apart from this, many islands and coastal areas will submerge due to rising sea levels, which will endanger the existence of many species. Also, this can increase the temperature on Earth. It is worth noting that a study recently published in the journal Nature has taken this crisis even more seriously. The study states that if the global temperature increases by 2 degrees Celsius, then the icy mass of antarctica will start melting very rapidly in a strange way.

How can Antarctica's glacier be saved?

To stop the melting of the glacier, it is most important that we stop global warming. For this, we have to use fossil fuels as little as possible and adopt clean energy sources. Scientists need to study more about this glacier so that we can slow down its melting speed. All countries will have to work together to deal with this problem.

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