Islamic Cleric says Men Undress Women with their Eyes and only Burqa protects

This Islamic cleric's statement reflects a deeply entrenched patriarchal and misogynistic mindset that seeks to control and suppress women's autonomy. By claiming that men are "undressing women with their eyes" and blaming women for wearing tight clothes, perfume, or makeup, he shifts responsibility from men to women. This attitude perpetuates the harmful narrative that men cannot control their impulses and that women must bear the burden of preventing unwanted male attention.

Such rhetoric not only objectifies women but also enforces a culture of victim-blaming, where women are held responsible for the actions and thoughts of men. It promotes the idea that women’s bodies are inherently provocative, and their freedom should be curtailed through the imposition of strict dress codes like the burka.
Rather than addressing the underlying issue of male entitlement or inappropriate behavior, the cleric's remarks reinforce outdated gender norms that treat women as inferior. The focus on women’s modesty as a solution to male behavior strips women of their agency and reduces them to mere objects to be hidden from view. In a more equitable society, men would be held accountable for their behavior, and women would be free to dress and express themselves without fear of judgment or harassment.

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