Uzbekistan has banned Muslim-style beards - Those who grow beards will pay a $400 fine.

Uzbekistan has recently implemented a controversial policy banning Muslim-style beards, sparking widespread debate and concern both within the country and internationally. Under the new regulation, men who grow such beards may data-face fines of up to $400. The move has been criticized as an infringement on personal and religious freedoms, given that beards are often considered a symbol of Islamic faith and identity in many Muslim communities.

The Uzbek government has justified the ban as part of its broader effort to combat extremism and promote secularism. Authorities argue that certain outward displays of religious affiliation, such as long beards, could be associated with radicalism, and the ban is intended to ensure public safety and maintain a secular public image. uzbekistan has a history of cracking down on religious expressions it deems potentially extremist, and this new policy follows similar restrictions on Islamic dress and practices in the past.
However, critics argue that the ban unfairly targets practicing Muslims and limits their ability to express their faith freely. Human rights groups have raised concerns about the suppression of religious expression and fear that such policies could alienate portions of the population. The fine also places an additional financial burden on individuals, further exacerbating tensions.

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