Quit if you do not like the office-working policy says Amazon....


Quit if you do not like the office-working policy says Amazon.

Amazon has taken a strong stand on its changing office policy by telling staff members they are free to quit if they don't want to follow the new need to work five days a week. During an all-hands meeting, Matt Garman, the CEO of amazon Web services (AWS), emphadata-sized the new rule and made it plain that individuals who prefer remote work should think about seeking another job.

Nine out of ten employees that Garman met with were in favor of the policy, which will take effect in january 2024, according to Reuters. Garman addressed concerns about the program. "There are other companies around if there are people who just don't work well in that environment, that's okay," Garman said, emphasizing that he intended to promote a collaborative work environment rather than to be judgmental. He emphadata-sized that data-face-to-data-face contacts are essential to Amazon's creative advantage and that remote labor just cannot duplicate this dynamic.

However, some amazon employees are not happy about this policy change. They claim that working from home is not beneficial and that traveling is a waste of time, according to research that they have seen. amazon has been imposing a three-day in-office requirement for months, but CEO Andy Jassy just stated that the policy would be changed to five days, citing the need to foster creativity and cooperation.

After refusing to comply with the three-day rule, a few workers were informed that they were "voluntarily resigning" and had their access to the company's networks blocked. In contrast to other major behemoths like Google, Microsoft, and Meta, who have maintained more accommodating two- or three-day hybrid policies, amazon has taken a hard stand on going back to work in the office.

Garman, nevertheless, is still upbeat about the impending adjustments. "To be honest, I'm pretty excited about this," he replied, realizing that not all of the staff felt the same way. He made the argument that the present three-day arrangement hampered production since it made it difficult for staff to collaborate because they frequently arrived at the workplace on different days.

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