Box Office - Corporate Bookings Scam Again?
Both films have taken desperate steps to artificially increase the numbers. BB3 producers are giving out discounts of ₹100, and certain platforms are even giving away free tickets when you buy two. This has rekindled the controversy around "Buy One Get One" tickets, which force producers to pay for the second ticket, severely hurting their bottom line.
Corporate bookings are also being criticized, as producers purchase tickets in large quantities to fictitiously increase sales and then throw expensive "success" celebrations. people have come out to express their ideas on social media, which has blossomed around this issue. "Corporate bookings make these films look successful, but who's actually watching them?" remarked one user. All of this is a PR ploy to generate phony excitement.
When someone commented, "It's a profit illusion—the producer ends up paying to celebrate a success that isn't real!" another user made fun of the scenario. Even if the movie actors have denied any rivalry, the fans are still very much split and accuse one another of grave wrongdoing.