A Huge Disappointment For Vishwak Sen - Put The Blame On
Furthermore, Vishwak Sen, who is renowned for having superb taste in music and always include one or two popular songs in his movies, fell flat this time. Even though he brought in Jakes Bejoy from malayalam in the hopes that the film's music would stand out, he was unable to produce a single good song.
A mechanic Even without considering the ticket receipts, rocky is not a movie that will inspire much goodwill. The most of the movie is quite standard and repetitive, including the unimpressive finale, despite the fact that a new stretch arises in the second half. The performers and technicians involved do not get goodwill from these kinds of films. Vishwak Sen is held accountable for selecting a narrative that was not even remotely true to the key theme they ought to have emphadata-sized.