Pushpa 2: A woman dies in a stampede at Sandhya Theatre..!?
A fan who went to the theatre with her family to watch pushpa 2 was killed in a stampede, causing great tragedy. The film pushpa 2, starring allu arjun and rashmika mandanna in the lead roles, has been released today amidst high expectations and high hopes. The film has collected up to Rs. 1000 crores from OTT and theatrical rights even before its release. pushpa 2 has been released today, december 5th, in a way that keeps the entire cinema world under its control, including tamil, telugu, Hindi, and Kannada. As there is no big film in tamil right now, there has been a lot of expectation for the film pushpa 2. pushpa 2 will be released in tamil Nadu in a while. However, the permission given for the early morning show in other languages has now created a problem.
What is surprising is that actor allu arjun also came to watch the show on the first day at sandhya Theatre. Now such an incident has happened. It is noteworthy that the early morning screenings have been canceled so that such incidents do not happen in tamil Nadu. netizens are posting on the X page that allu arjun is responsible for this incident and that he should help the woman's family.