Afghanistan captured Pakistan's military base..!?

frame Afghanistan captured Pakistan's military base..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Afghanistan captured Pakistan's military base..!?
There is a war tension between pakistan and Afghanistan. In this situation, the Taliban captured the Pakistani military base in the Salarzai area of Bajur district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This Pakistani military base has been captured by Tehreek-e-Taliban pakistan (TTP) forces. The TTP has claimed that it captured the Pakistani military base on the morning of december 30, 2024. It has been announced that Taliban forces were deployed in this area targeting Pakistani security forces and that the Taliban won the attack. A video of the Taliban occupying the Pakistani military base is also going viral on social media. pakistan is claiming that this military base was vacated some time ago and that no soldiers are stationed there. But videos of Pakistani soldiers surrendering to the Taliban there are trending on the internet.
Just like in afghanistan, there is a Taliban organization in Pakistan. The secret shelters and equipment of this Taliban organization are in Afghanistan. The Pakistani Taliban are called Tehreek-e-Taliban pakistan (TTP). They stay in afghanistan and attack pakistan from time to time. Some terrorist organizations in afghanistan do not like them. There is also a conflict between them and the Pakistani army. Complaints are made from time to time that Tehreek-e-Taliban pakistan is carrying out attacks in Pakistan. It is in this situation that pakistan has attacked Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. The Tehreek-e-Taliban pakistan (TTP) was formed in 2007 as an alliance of various hardline Sunni Islamist groups. It was formed by the merger of tribal militant groups that were operating separately in Pakistan. It was formed under the leadership of the late Baitullah Mehsud. The TTP is currently the largest militant organization on the Afghanistan/Pakistan data-border. The TTP has 30,000 to 35,000 members.
According to the United Nations, the Taliban should establish rule in Pakistan. The organization’s goal is to overthrow the current elected government. To that end, the TTP’s main goal is to directly attack the Pakistani military, kill politicians, and destabilize Pakistan. The organization has carried out many suicide bombings and attacks in Pakistan. It is in this context that pakistan is suddenly launching attacks on TTP Taliban centers and logistics in Afghanistan. There are pro-Taliban and anti-Taliban groups within Pakistan. The airstrike, which was carried out last March, has raised fears of a war between the two countries.

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