Andhra CM tops the list of India's richest CM..!?
An important announcement has been made about the Chief Ministers currently ruling all the states in India. Accordingly, information has been released about the assets of the state Chief Ministers. The Agency for Democratic Reforms (ADR) has released this asset list. The average asset value of the Chief Ministers of various states and Union Territories of the country is estimated to be Rs. 52.59 crores. Accordingly, andhra pradesh chief minister Chandrababu Naidu has become the richest chief minister in India. He has become the richest chief minister in india with assets of more than Rs. 931 crores. It is also mentioned in the list that Chandrababu has a debt of Rs. 10 crores.

Similarly, tamil Nadu chief minister M.K. stalin has come in 14th place on this list. His assets are estimated to be around Rs 8 crore. He has a total of Rs 8,88,75,339 in assets. It is said that he has no debt. It is also said that chief minister Stalin's personal income is Rs 28 lakh. Similarly, puducherry chief minister Rangaswamy has come in at 6th place with assets of Rs 38 crore. The Organisation for Democratic Reforms has said that it has compiled this information based on the information given in the nomination papers submitted by the state Chief Ministers to the election Commission.
India's per capita net national income is estimated to average Rs 1,85,854 in 2023-24. The average per capita income of Chief Ministers is Rs 13,64,310. This is 7.3 times higher than the per capita income of the country's citizens.