Great humiliation for director Shankar due to Game Changer..!?

frame Great humiliation for director Shankar due to Game Changer..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Great humiliation for director shankar due to Game Changer..!?
Game Changer has failed to meet expectations. Made on a budget of Rs 450 crore, the film could not even collect Rs 200 crore. shankar has been receiving a lot of negative reviews in his career. Game Changer, which collected Rs 8 crore in tamil Nadu in 6 days, has collected up to Rs 190 crore worldwide. The HD quality print of this film has already been released and has not only caused a huge headache for shankar but has also been telecast on a local cable channel. shankar and dil Raj have been embroiled in many controversies such as excessive promotion, over-buildup, and 95 crores for songs alone.
In a situation where the blow that was already inflicted on the film Varisu has not healed, Game Changer has caused huge losses for dil Raj. Since 75% of the distributors in tamil Nadu alone have suffered losses, they are replacing the film Game Changer with the film Madha Gaja Raja. On the one hand, although it is happy, it has caused a great humiliation for Shankar. indian 3 is preparing to improve to ensure this doesn't happen again.

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