Rachin ravindra failed to predict the exact location of the ball..!?
New Zealand player Rachin ravindra was seriously injured when the ball hit his data-face while trying to catch in a match against Pakistan. At that time, criticism arose that it was an accident caused by the negligence of the pakistan cricket Board. Many people had criticized that Rachin ravindra hit his data-face while taking the catch due to the lack of adequate lighting at the Lahore Gaddafi cricket Stadium, where the match was held. They said that the accident happened because there were not enough lights. In this situation, former Pakistani player salman Butt has denied it. He has said that Rachin Ravindra's accident occurred because he failed to predict the exact location of the ball or that his foot may have stumbled.
Salman Butt said, "There is no point in trying to explain things to people when they are not willing to understand them. This is an unnecessary criticism. The lights in the Lahore stadium are new. They are good." "New Zealand batsmen hit sixes on balls that were travelling at 150 kmph. Did the lights still not work properly? If a fielder is standing 70 meters away and cannot take a catch, it is his miscalculation. He is a good fielder. Maybe his foot got stuck. That is why he got injured," said salman Butt. Fans were upset that Rachin ravindra did not play the next match against south africa due to a facial injury in this match. There is also a doubt whether he will play in the 2025 Champions Trophy series. It is in this situation that salman Butt has claimed that Rachin was injured because he did not take a proper catch.