Low CIBIL Score, No Marriage - Indian Men Struggle To Find a Bride

When the bride's family learned that the groom had a poor CIBIL score, a wedding in Murtizapur, Maharashtra, was called off. After the bride's maternal uncle insisted on seeing the groom's credit record prior to consummating the marriage, the choice was made. The family were ready to go as they had almost finished all the requirements. 

The groom's financial history, however, showed several debts and continuous financial difficulties. The bride's family decided to call off the wedding right away since they were worried about their daughter's future. According to reports, the bride's uncle asked why they should be married when there was clearly obvious financial problems. The marriage negotiations ended abruptly since the rest of the family agreed with his position.

In India, horoscope compatibility, social standing, and family history are traditionally given priority in arranged marriages. Nonetheless, it seems that marriage decisions are becoming more and more influenced by financial stability. This instance implies that, similar to other conventional considerations, a low credit score may now be a deal breaker. Families may start checking credit records more frequently before deciding to get married as financial responsibility becomes a bigger factor in marriage decisions.

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