While petrol costs less than Rs 100 in various indian states outside of Delhi-NCR, they are more than that in Bihar, Bengal, Odisha, and Madhya Pradesh. Have you ever pondered the cost of gas in nearby nations? The cost of gas in bhutan recently astonished an indian guy who was visiting the country.
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. When Mohd arbaaz khan first arrived in bhutan, he was shocked to see a Bharat Petroleum gas station. He wrote down his experience and was shocked to see the price listed. Arbaaz shows his astonishment in the video by stating, "Something amazing happened in Bhutan." Now that I'm in bhutan, I can see that Bharat Petroleum and indian Oil have gas stations. You won't believe how much petrol costs here, even if these are indian gas pumps. After that, he records the gas prices at the station close to the data-border between india and Bhutan.
With the Bhutanese currency displayed on the screen, Arbaaz discloses that the price of gas in bhutan is around Rs 64 (Rs 63.92 paise). The value of the indian and Bhutanese currencies is almost similar, according to a simple check. This indicates that fuel in bhutan costs about Rs 64 per liter, compared to almost Rs 100 per liter in India. In only two days, the video—which also features the India-Bhutan data-border—amassed over 63 lakh views and millions of likes and shares on social media. Reactions poured into the comment area.