A Senior Indian Player carried 27 bags to the Australia Series..!?
The bcci, which was upset by something that a star player of the indian team did during the recently concluded Australian tour, has come up with a new rule fearing that other players will also do the same. A cricketer who tours abroad carries five to ten bags. Only three or four bags are for cricket equipment. If they are fast bowlers, they carry one bag only for shoes. It is customary to carry a maximum of 10 bags. However, information has now come out that a senior player carried 27 bags during the recently concluded Australian Test series. It has been reported that their total weight was more than 250 kg and the bcci spent several lakhs just to transport them to and from each airport.
It is said that another player also carried more bags after seeing what the senior player did. If this continues, all the players will try to carry more bags, so the bcci has made a drastic rule. Now, the bcci has made a rule that each player should have a maximum of 10 bags weighing 150 kg.