Devara's satellite rights issue..!?
After the theatrical release, the new movie will be released on OTT in six to eight weeks. Then why does the audience watch the same movie on tv again? That is why it is an undeniable fact that satellite rights have fallen drastically. Satellite movies look completely different from the previous situation. Should we be happy that OTT has come with this? Should we be happy that satellite demand has decreased? The producer data-faces a situation that does not make sense. Satellite demand falls after a deal is made in OTT. Sales are happening at a low price. No matter how big the movie is, the same situation is seen. What if the movie gets negative talk? The satellite situation of that movie is even worse. Currently, the situation of `Devara` is the same. Five months have passed since the release of this movie. It has also been released in OTT. But the satellite business of this movie has not happened yet. It is reported that the producer has not sold it as the price was not affordable even though some channels came forward and made an offer. This situation arose due to the huge difference between the producer's quote and the satellite channels' quote. So, they did not take the satellite chance and quoted it heavily. Because even now, there is no way to watch the movie even if it premieres on TV.
In this context, satellite channels are not coming forward. Earlier, `Kalki 2898` also data-faced a similar situation. This movie also came to satellite very late. However, there is a minus for both these movies. After the release of `Devara`, there were a lot of negative talks. The truth about the box office collection is not known. In this context, the argument that satellite did not happen comes to the fore.
`Kalki 2898` also did not connect very much with the telugu audience theatrically. Being in the hollywood style became a negative for the film. What would be the response if it was released on satellite? The issue of satellite business being difficult came to the fore at that time due to uncertainty. Whatever the case may be? Should satellite channels implement new policies in the future regarding the streaming of movies? It should be competitive with OTT releases. Only then will satellite work out, say business experts.