When Is Shabari Jayanti 2025? Know The Date and Timings
Hindus celebrate Shabari Jayanti, a significant holiday that commemorates Shabari's birth, dedication, and submission. The festival will take place on Thursday, february 20. Devotees worship Lord Rama and Shabari on this day in hopes of receiving spiritual blessings.
Life and devotion of Shabari
Shabari was a member of the Bhil community from birth. She gained Lord Rama's blessings as a result of her fervent devotion and penance. In the Ramayana, she tells the narrative of how she brought Lord Rama inside her modest hut and offered him ber (Indian jujube) out of love and submission. To make sure they were delicious enough for Lord Rama, she had sampled the ber. This small act of love and devotion for Lord Rama, who had consumed the ber she had presented, is symbolized.
Significance of Shabari Jayanti
Shabari Jayanti reminds us that regardless of one's social or economic standing, genuine dedication, and submission may draw God's mercy. The lesson of Shabari's narrative is that god desires only love and dedication. He accepts his followers' sincere submission.
Auspicious Time for Shabari Jayanti
Shabari Jayanti is celebrated every year on the 7th day of the krishna Paksha of the month of Phalguna, according to Hindu Panchang. In 2025, the festival will begin on 19th february, Wednesday, at 7:32 AM and end on 20th february at 9:58 AM. However, according to the Udaya Tithi, Shabari Jayanti will be celebrated on 20th february, Thursday.
Get up early, take a bath, and change into fresh clothing.
Use ganga water to cleanse and purify the house of worship. At the house of worship, erect an idol or portrait of Mata Shabari and Lord Shri Ram. Get a light, offerings, flowers, berries, incense, and a coconut ready. Burn incense sticks, light the lamp, and then present the god with food gifts, berries, and flowers.
To comprehend Shabari's dedication and submission, read or listen to her narrative. Do the Aarti and sing bhajans in honor of Lord Shri ram and Shabari.
Giving food, clothing, or cash to people in need on this day is seen as auspicious.
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