Hyderabad has surpassed Delhi in Population Density..!?
For employment opportunities, for jobs, and for studies, hyderabad is becoming a destination address for not one but two things. It is for this reason that Bhagyanagar has surpassed the national capital delhi in terms of population density. This was revealed in the latest report released by the telangana State Statistics Department. According to the 2011 census, delhi has a population density of 11,313 people per square kilometer, while hyderabad has a population density of 18,161. This means that more than 18,000 people live in every square kilometer in Hyderabad. The most densely populated city in the world is Manila, the capital of the Philippines. There are 43,079 people living there per square kilometer.

Meanwhile, a worrying fact has been revealed that the youth population will decrease and the elderly population will increase in telangana state by 2036. Compared to 2011, by 2036, the number of people under the age of 34 in telangana will decrease significantly. At the same time, the elderly population will increase. It is said that the reason is the decrease in the birth rate due to the implementation of population control policies. In 2011, there were 5.79 lakh children under the age of one year in Telangana. It is said that the number of children will decrease to 3.94 lakh by 2036. It is said that the same will happen in the case of other age groups. For this reason, the call to have more children is now often heard from government leaders.