WEIRD - Brides in this Indian village remain nakéd for seven days after marriage
But indian marriages also have a lot of strange customs. One such custom is from a community in Himachal Pradesh, where the bride is not clothed for a few days after marriage. Pini Village, located in Himachal Pradesh's manikaran valley, is the site of this unusual custom. The bride and groom don't speak to one other at all throughout this period.
Even during the month of Sawan, this same hamlet has a peculiar custom of not dressing after marriage. During this period, the bride is permitted to wear a woolen garment known as a pattu. The groom must also abide by certain regulations. The groom is prohibited from handling alcohol for the first week following the wedding. Following these traditions is thought to bring good fortune to the bride and groom. Well, this might sound bizarre for most of us!