What to Eat after tooth extraction??

Eat Ice cream
Ice Cream tops of the list of what to eat after tooth extraction, especially in the summer. It's cool and soft, so you can eat it comfortably even when your mouth is tender. Because ice cream is cold, it can help minimize any natural swelling that occurs in the mouth.

Eat Cool Soup
Soup is not only easy to eat after your surgery, but it also contains plenty of nutrients and, in some cases, protein, to help the muscles in your data-face feel better. To avoid any discomfort, make sure the soup is as smooth as possible before you eat it. A few small pieces of cooked vegetables or pasta in the soup should be manageable, but you want to avoid anything that will require a lot of chewing.

Avoid Spicy and Acidic foods
You may love adding a dab of hot sauce to the things you eat during the day, but after you have a tooth removed, the best thing to do is put the bottle down and play it cool. If you have ever felt the burn of a hot pepper, you know that spicy foods can irritate your gums and mouth.

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