International Stress Awareness Day...

S Venkateshwari
International Stress Awareness Day...

Due to the ever-increasing round of competition, the habit of working and getting angry about small things, the new generation proves to be completely incapable of handling the stress. In such a situation, the younger generation ends their life soon due to disappointment or wrong decisions. If we talk about the figures, then 40 per cent of the people are suffering from stress, which is a matter of great concern.

The country is said to be a country full of youth, in such a situation, if this class is engaged in some better work, then the future of india can be golden, but it does not seem to be possible right now. One of the major reasons for this is that the younger generation is falling prey to depression. Men are taking more stress than women. This stress can range from growing up to running a household and proving yourself in an age of competition.

In this competition and race to run away indiscriminately, the person is becoming a victim of stress. Neither the rest of the day nor the sleep of the night, just the habit of running all the time has made people stressed. Psychologist Dr Rajni Kashyap says that unemployment, stress, loneliness, and financial side are weak, due to high ambition mental disorders are there. The competition to get ahead of each other is a good thing, but dominating it on the mind also increases the tension. Due to excessive use of mobile phones and TV, complaints of sleeplessness, headache and eye pain are increasing. To reduce stress, a person should stay with family and maintain a happy environment.

What to do?

Avoid spending a lot of time on your phone or watching TV.

Spend more time with family members.

Get plenty of sleep.

Do not put excessive pressure on children to study.

Monitor children's activities on their social media.

Make a habit of exercising in the morning and evening.

If you have any confusion in your mind, don't keep it suppressed but share it.

Control the expenditure so that there is no financial crisis.

Make a habit of reading good literature and religious texts.

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