Grade 1: Passed! Grade 2: Passed! Do you know to read this? NOOO

Sindujaa D N

Radhika Kumari's strength was so strong that it seemed as if she was writing everything she could on the board. But, the force slipped out of the fingertips, and the letters slipped out of the pencil. In fact, a ten-year-old Radhika, who had not seen the teacher's data-face for almost 17 months had forgotten everything. Many schools across the country have been closed since the lockdown was imposed in march last year due to the Covid.

Although private schools launched online lessons within a few months, government schools data-faced many problems. students who do not have smartphones, internet and laptops have dropped out of school. There is no internet facility in most villages. The central and state governments have started education at their respective levels through television and other tv programs. But, most of the houses in that town do not even have a TV. However, schools have just begun to open in some states.


The Covid pandemic started while radhika was studying second class in a local government school. Now she has been sent to fourth grade. 

According to the Right to education Act in India, children should not fail until the fifth grade. The main purpose of this law is to enable children to study comfortably without any burden and without being burdened with exams. Most schools followed this rule during the Covid pandemic. But, the children went to upper classes without learning anything. 

Tuitions only for boys?

The Covid pandemic has also widened the education gap between boys and girls. Although some families can afford private tuition, tuition is paid only for sons. radhika has five sisters. None of them went to school for the past year and a half. Did not attend online classes.

This is not just an issue for the radhika family. Many families in the country think of a son as a plus and a daughter as a minus. It is also thought that the son will take care of himself in old age, the daughter will get married and move to another house, and spending on her is unnecessary.

.. opening schools at this time.

Now the schools are slowly opening up. The resources say that once students start coming to schools, teachers should assess their academic levels through games without putting pressure on them. Otherwise many will still lag behind. Little radhika is very excited that the schools would reopen. "Pull the locks to the door and go inside and sit on my bench," radhika said with shining eyes.

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