UGC's Shock to students: Semester Exams...?!

frame UGC's Shock to students: Semester Exams...?!

Sindujaa D N

A letter in the name of UGC asking for offline exams in colleges and universities has gone viral.

Schools and colleges in india have been closed due to the spread of the coronavirus. This created an environment where all students had to stay home for a year and a half. 

Classes were conducted online accordingly and there was also the possibility of conducting year-end exams and semesters online. After writing the exam, students were instructed to take a photo of it and upload it online. Currently, the situation is gradually deteriorating. Most educational institutions are open.

Lessons are conducted in classrooms with adequate physical space. It is in this context that the decision-making environment regarding semester exams has come to the fore. 

Can it be conducted online? Can it be conducted offline? A letter in the name of UGC has gone viral on social media amid continuing confusion. In it,

To conduct direct examinations- Conduct current semester and upcoming semester exams directly. Universities should make appropriate arrangements in advance to conduct examinations. students have been told to take care not to spread the corona infection.

The letter is said to have been sent to all state higher education secretaries by UGC secretary Rajnish Jain. Thus students are nostalgic that online exams will not happen again. 

Recently, students from various colleges in tamil Nadu have been involved in a struggle to take exams online.

What if you stopped taking online classes throughout the year and only took the exam offline? We can not do this already. There are issues including monsoon impacts and the spread of omega-3 infections. 

No more online exams will be conducted to UGC students, comes as a big shock to the students.

So the students demanded that the exam be conducted online. In this context, the letter published on social media in the name of UGC has caused a stir.

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