Job Fair for Physically Challenged People in Tamil Nadu

frame Job Fair for Physically Challenged People in Tamil Nadu

"The government of tamil Nadu has been implementing different programmes and trainings to generate entrepreneurs to start and run small and medium enterprises in tamil Nadu successfully," the government said in a statement. The State Commission for the Handicapped is working on loan fairs for disabled people's development, private sector employment camps, and initiatives to turn disabled people into entrepreneurs. bank loans are also available for those who wish to work for themselves. The able-bodied are given special aid in starting their own businesses, establishing small and micro firms, and obtaining loans. Small box stores, grocery stores, specialty stores, dairy, goat breeding, tea shops, and snack stalls are among the businesses that benefit from this subsidies.

The Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (EDII), an affiliate of the Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), is operating at the Chennai-Kindi Industrial Estate to promote education and self-employment opportunities for tamil Nadu entrepreneurs. The company regularly conducts training for entrepreneurs. These exercises support project entrepreneurship preparation, finishing, and lending to new entrepreneurs.

Johnny tom Varghese, State Commissioner for Alternative Disabilities, said, "To enhance the living standards of the disabled, a loan of Rs. Grants have been provided to 137 beneficiaries and a total of Rs. 3.19 crore has been provided by the government of tamil Nadu to 1798 beneficiaries in the financial year 2021-22.

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