It is not enough that the whole thing that promotes rummy changes the course. That lesson with the decks should not catch the eyes of the students. Anbumani Ramadoss, a youth leader from Bamaga, complained that the sixth grade math textbook explained how to play a rummy game with a deck of cards.
Rummy in accounting course
The number of people committing suicide by getting addicted to the online rummy game is increasing in tamil Nadu. As the demand for a strong law to abolish online gaming is growing, there is a complaint that the game of deck has been included in the sixth standard math textbook in tamil Nadu.
Putting rummy in the lesson?
This will degrade the students. The purpose of the lesson on integers may be to explain to students about numbers. But while there are plenty of good examples of that, it would be a mistake to set the rummy game as an example. It does not teach students numbers; Only teach rummy. In an environment where online rummy is degrading the younger generation and leading to suicide and murder, this lesson will only exacerbate the degeneration. Textbooks that are supposed to teach good to human beings should not teach evil.
It is not enough that the whole thing that promotes rummy changes the course. That lesson with the decks should not catch the eyes of the students. For that, the government should come forward to print new textbooks that do not have that lesson for the coming academic year.