Students going to America get good news!

frame Students going to America get good news!

Sindujaa D N

Every indian student dreams of studying in America. Strive for luxurious lives in the superpower. Many parents sell their children in india and send their children to America. There is so much craze in America. However he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat Trump's previous US presidency. Jobiden, who became president after trump stepped down, is now on the red carpet for foreign experts. It is in this order that good news is told to students who are freshly going to study in America. The country has drastically increased the number of student visa slots. 

Those who apply for tourist visas continue to have to wait. Until recently, students from Telangana, andhra pradesh and odisha had to wait for about 3 years for visa slots. It was during this sequence that their problems were brought to the attention of the American Consulate authorities. The order was closed due to the large number of students going to America from the consulate in Hyderabad. Has been releasing massive student visa slots since Monday.

As a result the waiting time for slots has been reduced from 911 days to 68 days at once. The waiting time for a visa at the hyderabad Consulate is 899 days even on Mondays.

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